The objective of the study was to investigate the association between postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) and subsequent cardiovascular disease. Findings suggest that compared with women who have never had a PPH, women who have had at least one episode of PPH are twice as likely to develop cardiovascular disease in the first year after birth, and some increased risk persists for up to 15 years.

15th July 2024 • comment

Sexual minority (SM) individuals experience poorer health outcomes than their heterosexual counterparts in various health domains and have health profiles—for example, health behaviors, experiences of healthcare discrimination, and limited resources owing to structural, interpersonal, and individual stigma—that may place them at higher risk for adverse pregnancy outcomes (APOs). However, little research has examined disparities in these outcomes with multidimensional measures of sexual orientation. 

4th April 2024 • comment

This study aimed to determine the effect of sexual education on postpartum women's sexual self-efficacy and self-confidence. Considering the effect of training based on the sexual self-concept model on postpartum women, the researchers recommend using this model to improve their sexual self-efficacy and self-confidence after childbirth.

1st February 2024 • comment