Here is a selection of E-learning courses relating to pediatrics, child healthcare and the basics of clinical research

Introduction to Clinical Research

Introduction to Clinical Research is a peer reviewed and certified short course covering the basic concepts of clinical research. The course focuses on the main areas of why and how clinical research is carried out, the importance of ethics in research, and an outline of the five main clinical study designs.

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The Research Question

The research question forms the foundation of any study and is vital to the effectiveness and validity of the research to be carried out. This short course is aimed at all those carrying out clinical research and explores the main factors which affect and influence the development of a valid research question.

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The Study Protocol

This course is designed to guide researchers through the basic stages and concepts surrounding the creation of a protocol. The study protocol is a document outlining the design of a study, describing the objectives, methodology and overall organisation of the research to be carried out forming a template and guide to the research process as a whole.

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ICH Good Clinical Practice E6 (R2)

Good clinical practice provides a framework of principles which aim to ensure the safety of research participants and the integrity and validity of data. This short course aims to provide the researcher with the basic principles of GCP and how these principles can be applied practically in the research setting. The course is aimed at all those involved in clinical research.

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Introduction to Informed Consent

This course places informed consent within its historical context and outlines the regulations, guidelines and processes which arose from this background. The primary aims of informed consent are to protect the research participant from misinformation, exploitation and coercion. This course offers an introduction to the processes and wider factors which need to be taken into consideration when involving participants in clinical research.

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Children and Clinical Research

Researchers are often concerned about carrying out research with children and young people, because of the particular ethical challenges associated with such research. Yet, if children and young people are not given the opportunity of taking part in research, it is very difficult to obtain the evidence needed to improve the health services provided for them.

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Good Clinical Laboratory Practice

Good Clinical Laboratory Practice is a multi-module course for all those wanting to gain an in-depth understanding of GCLP and how each principle of GCLP can be applied in clinical trial laboratory.

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Essential Elements of Ethics

This free and open access e-Learning resource has been adapted from the Multi-Regional Clinical Trials Center at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard (MRCT Center) Ethics Tool Kit

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Introduction to Data Management for Clinical Research Studies

Good data management is key to maintaining, processing. analysing and storing high quality data. This course provides an overview and guide to this important element of the research process and is aimed at everyone involved in clinical research.

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Introduction to Collecting and Reporting Adverse Events

Adverse Events can be defined as undesirable or harmful effects or experiences arising or linked to the clinical research being carried out. This short course provides a general introduction and overview of Adverse Events and how to deal with them when they occur. This course is suitable for everyone involved in clinical research.

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For more free eLearning Courses visit The Global Health Network Training Centre

Useful Links

PERCH | UNICEF child pneumonia | MSF | World Pneumonia day | SCOUT-CAP study | CAP-T study

From the WHO:

Pneumonia Key facts | PDF: Revised WHO classification and treatment of childhood pneumonia at health facilities (2014) |

Global action plan for the prevention and control of Pneumonia GAPP | Publication: “pneumonia: the forgotten killer of children”